General Questions
1. I am interested in Learning Astrology? Can I purchase this EPS Video course?
Answer: No. EPS System is an advanced system and you should have basic knowledge in both Vedic and KP system. Once you learn the basics of Vedic and KP system, you can purchase the EPS Video course to learn EPS System of Astrology.
2. What is the eligibility to learn EPS System of Astrology?
Answer: Basic knowledge in KP system
3. Are the videos in the Video course the recordings of the previous online EPS courses?
Answer: No. The videos were exclusively designed and prepared for the EPS Video course and are prepared by Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath, the founder of EPS system of Astrology.
4. Can I download the Videos of the EPS Video course and watch offline?
Answer: No. You can only watch online. You can not download.
5. Will I get supports after the purchase of the Video Course?
Answer: Yes. You are assured to get sufficient and required supports and guidance. You can ask your doubts and get the clarifications and answers by the following ways.
- Doubt clearing online sessions – Periodic live sessions through Zoom will be conducted directly by Dr.G.K.Adith Kasinath, the founder of EPS System. The students can ask their doubts from the course and get clarifications and answers to their questions.
- Special online live sessions on Birth Time rectifications will also be conducted for the benefit of the students.
- Monthly one session will also be conducted in addition to the above.
- The students can also ask their questions or doubts in the exclusive WhatsApp group and can get the answers and guidance in time.
6. Will I get any study materials along with the video course?
Answer: Yes. The theory portion of the Video course and other materials will be provided in Pdf form.
7. Will there be any new videos uploaded in future? Will there be any upcharge to watch them?
Answer: Apart from the mentioned videos, there will be periodical uploading of new Videos under given topics and also new topics in the future. And no upcharge will be required to pay for the same.
8. I am having already KP software with me. Is it enough for learning and practicing EPS?
Answer: No. The software for the KP system will not be useful for EPS System.
EPS StarSoft is the exclusive software for EPS System of Astrology specially designed and developed in association with KPStarone. You can get the software from website.
9. Should I purchase the EPS Software along with the Video course for learning?
Answer: No. To help the students to learn and practice while studying the Video course, the EPS system software (EPS StarSoft) with 1 year validity will be supplied by KPStarone for FREE of cost. You will have to purchase the EPS StarSoft software only after the free validity period is over.
10. How to purchase the EPS StarSoft software after the free validity period is over?
Answer: You can get it from the website.
11.What is the price of the EPS Software? Will I get any discount on the software price when I purchase?
Answer: The EPS system software (EPS StarSoft) is sold by KPStarone. You can get it from their website
The actual price is INR.19k with 7 years license (with nominal annual service fee after 7 years). For more details, contact kpstarone
The students of EPS system of Astrology will get 25% off on the software cost at the time of purchase.
Subject related Questions
1. Why should I learn EPS system of Astrology?
Answer: Being a KP follower, you would have faced many challenges, confusions in finding the significators for an event and also failures in predictions especially with Birth chart analysis.
The significators for an event through 4 fold or 6 fold significators in Birth chart is incomplete. Due to which, you will find difficulty in finding the favorable DBA for an event in Birth chart analysis. In EPS each planet is studied in an extended way so that each planet’s complete significations are found. and there are some unique techniques in method of analysis for proper and accurate predictions.
You would have wondered why one Dasa period did not favor for the event as you had predicted and how another Dasa period who you rejected favored for the event.
And you will have many more such confusions and doubts unanswered yet.
You will get answers for all your doubts and can learn everything in a systematic manner.
2. Is EPS System of Astrology better than existing systems in astrology?
Answer: Every system has its own strength and weakness. EPS system is an advanced system bypassing the setbacks in the existing systems. EPS System is a comprehensive system. Those who are having good knowledge and experience in EPS system along with knowledge in Parasara and KP system can become the best astrologers.
3. Is EPS System of Astrology also useful for Horary Astrology (Prasanna)?
Answer: Yes. EPS System is useful for both natal and horary chart analysis. There are many wonderful methods for Prasanna or Horary Astrology. Good knowledge and practice in horary analysis with KP system is more than enough for horary questions as they are restricted to a particular question. The challenges in analysis and predictions are existing mainly in Natal or Birth chart analysis as the birth chart contains all the life events. The EPS System was founded after dedicated research and study especially on the Natal charts. This is also useful in Horary chart analysis.
4. As I am aware that Birth time verification or Birth time rectification is an important task in a birth chart to be done before proceeding further analysis on a chart for any predictions. Is there any easy method of fixing the birth time or rectifying the birth time as other astrology systems are advocating some methods especially with Ruling planets and other techniques?
Answer: Birth time verification or Birth time rectification is important to be done before proceeding detailed analysis on a birth chart. But in EPS system it is taught only at the end of the course. Because the birth time rectification could not be done just with the help of Ruling planets or any other techniques. BTR is not a process to fix only the Lagna or Ascendant cuspal position. BTR is the process of fixing up the cuspal position of important cusps (CSL). This must be done by verifications on the available information and important past events. This is possible only when you complete studying the EPS course and understand the method of timing of events. Hence BTR chapter is taken as the last chapter in EPS Video course. BTR is done in a logical and systematic manner in EPS system. Special online sessions will also be conducted for BTR.
5. What is the accuracy level in predictions with EPS System of Astrology?
Answer: The accuracy level with EPS System of Astrology will be certainly higher than what one gets at present. The success rate is also depending on the level of learning and practice.
6. Is EPS system of Astrology a complicated system to learn and practice?
Answer: Astrology itself is not an easy subject as it has not lot of hidden secrets in it.
EPS System of Astrology is an advanced system in stellar system in which detailed analysis is done in all dimensions.
It is neither easy nor complicated method for learning and practice. You will be taught in a systematic manner. You will have logical learning. And it is not recommended for those who seek short cut methods for predictions. EPS system is like an advanced scan report.
It needs deep urge to explore the secrets of the planetary significations by in dept analysis. It needs dedication and practice.
7. I have studied Vedic Astrology or Parashara system or BNN. Can I learn EPS system of Astrology?
Answer: You can very well learn EPS system of Astrology. But you should learn first some basic knowledge in KP System before learning.
8. What are the advantages of EPS Video course when compared to the Live EPS online courses?
Answer: The EPS Video course is better than EPS Online course by the following reasons.
- In general, a Live online course is obviously better than Video course since the online courses will help interactions between the teacher and the students. But keeping in mind the importance of such interactive practical supports, EPS Video course is providing online live doubt clearing sessions periodically to the students apart from exclusive whatsapp group for discussions.
- Hence the students of EPS Video course will get both valuable Video course and also online doubt clearing sessions periodically.
- In EPS Video course, each chapter in theory and practical case studies are given in such way that the students can learn easily in a proper and systematic way when compared to the online courses. The theory discussed in the video course will also be provided in softcopy which they can download and get it printed as their study material. This will help the students to easily refer and learn.
- Normally EPS Online courses will have 36 sessions (2 hours per session and 72 hours in total). But there will be more time spent on clarifications and discussions in each session. And only less examples per chapter are discussed due to time constraint.
But in EPS Video course, the videos will have the running time of appx 150 hours without any discussions or deviations. It is focused only on the subject. The students can any time rewatch. And each video will be pertaining to one topic or lesson only. - The Video course consists of hundreds of videos under each topic and more videos in future will also be uploaded. The example charts from easy to challenging cases are discussed for the better learning experience of the students.
- Many students who are interested in learning EPS System could find difficulty in joining the online course due to their incompatible timings (either within India or outside India). Even if some join the Online course, they could not attend to all sessions due to their other schedule. Though they can watch the recordings of the live sessions that they missed, they do not have the patience to watch the whole 2 hours of each session. But in the Video course, the average running time of each session will be between 15 to 60 mts and each session will have the title and details of that session. This will help the students to easily refer to that video whenever they need revision or clarifications on that topic.